Information and Consultation
into a New Dimension
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Information and Consultation in Ireland - Ireland Part 1
Information and Consultation - Ireland Recover? - Ireland Part 2
Information and Consultation at PKC Estonia by Virve Gross
Information and Consultation at Estonian Metalworkers TU Federation (EMAF) by Ljubov Serova
Mirza Muleskovik -- Motenegrin Employers Federation
Srdja Kekovic - Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro - USSCG
Zoran Vujovic Independent Trade Union of Metalworkers of Serbia
Francisco Bento - Kemet - Évora - Portugal
Fernando Benvindo - TE-Évora - Portugal
Fabio Roque - Hutchinson Portalegre - Portugal
Oscar Pereira - TAP
Dr Joseph Farrugia - GS of MEA (Malta Employers Association)
Andrew Mizzi - GWU
Este projeto é co-financiado pela
União Europeia